Thursday, December 27, 2012

Planning & Prioritizing

So this weekend I've been able to have some personal retreat time mainly to focus on the aspect of music in worship and how I can glorify God through that but also to reflect on this new phase of life. Ok, maybe it's not so new, but there are some new things coming up as well as old things that I really haven't put a lot of effort into:

1. I have a boyfriend/soul mate/promised one/... ok, I have a man. In some ways, I have put a good amount of effort into our relationship. In other ways, I haven't.

2. I have the responsiblity of being a daughter who lives at home. I've been a daughter for 19 years. You think I would have it down by now. BUT no, there are still quirks God is working on there.

3. I have the privilege to lead music at my church plant. I've been doing that for 5+ years. Trust me, God will be working on me in that area until... I go to heaven. :)

4. I just accepted another job that entails some serious planning, patience, and lots and lots of prayer.

5. I have a Savior who loves me and cares for me and protects me and fights off the enemy for me and who has conquered death on the cross for me and I rarely ever take more than 30 minutes to sit at His feet and just enjoy His presence.

That's the one I really need to work on.

Given all of these areas of life that need work, after reading through "Shopping for Time" by Carolyn Mahaney and her daughters, I have come up with a plan. I'm a planner. It's what I do. I make plans like nobody's business and most of the time the only person who knows about any of them is Jesus, and that's where life gets crazy. Oops.

Well, it's worth a shot. Here's some ways that I could put more effort and plan to spend time in specific areas of life:

  • My relationship with Christ:
    • Early morning wakeup call: 5 AM. Like, every morning. Not just the mornings that I have to go to work. What is that?? Thinking I just need Him on the days I go out in the world? Hello. I still need him on the days that I'm sitting at home doing homework or planning to conquer the world or cleaning the toilet with a toothbrush.
    • More time in prayer. Yes yes yes yes yes. I can spend more time in prayer by...
      • going on a walk (exercise and prayer: this works for my multi-tasking brain... I seriously cannot sit still (hence, sitting at Jesus feet and just enjoying Him) without making a list, playing out a melody with my fingers, tapping a note to myself on my iPhone, browsing Pinterest... you name it).
      • in my early morning time, reserving at least fifteen minutes for only prayer.
      • on the way to work/school
      • in the shower
  • My relationship with my parents:
    • Fixing dinner for them at least once a week (like a nice sitdown dinner where we're all there, not the kind where I fix it and Daddy's out hunting and dinner gets cold and.. yeah.)
    • Turning off the TV (this applies for all of us) and playing a game together, having a bible study or prayer time, or going on a fun trip together.
    • PRAYER.
    • Helping my mom out around the house with projects that she needs done, not my endless string of projects....
  • My relationship with my man.
    • PRAYER. Yeah, it's a recurring theme. Pray without ceasing...
    • Notes & Gifts: I used to be really good about those... I've been slacking lately. It's nice to have notes and gifts, especially those that remind us of the gifts that God gives us or how he blesses us, etc. and I know my favorite guy really appreciates that.
    • Spending more time with him and his family.
  • Music in the Church
    • Prayer. :)
    • The Gathering: new event I'll have at my house once a month to encourage "gathering" to worship together and practicing our God-given skills to glorify God with them.
    • Coming together with others and patiently waiting for God to bring others to serve with me in music at the church.
    • Remembering that even when I want to give up because things just aren't going right, God never leaves me or forsakes me. And that truth alone should cause me to worship at His feet.
  • My new job.
    • Prayer. Prayer for employees, prayer for me, prayer for patience, prayer for children, prayer for outreach, prayer for community helpers, prayer for protection... the list is endless.
    • Planning. I need to carve out specific times each week to have time to plan out details, whether major or miniscule.
    • Meet with older, wiser, skilled, and experienced employees who have much more wisdom than I do and learn from them.
    • Enjoy the planning process.
Alright, I think that's enough for now. This weekend has been filled so far with Starbucks coffee, "Uncle Si Tupperware," a hairy little dog that I love so much, a Steinway grand piano, and lots of time with Jesus.

I hope your weekend is wonderful and full of God's blessings.



Tuesday, December 11, 2012


As I sit down to spend time with Jesus this morning, I keep looking at Agness, "my" little girl from across the world. She has a beautiful deep brown complexion, along with deep brown eyes that make you want to melt and take care of her every need. I long to hear her laugh, and perhaps one day I will. When her picture and information first arrived, I cried. God has given me a love for her and her family already and for that I am grateful. But I also know that she is a blessing in so many ways, one of which is reminding me of my own selfishness. God is really good at that. He doesn't like anyone else taking His glory, and no one else can. Isaiah 42:8 says, "I am The Lord, that is My name, I will not give My glory to another or my praise to idols."

Amen, amen. My constant stream of wants and desires for myself are nothing compared to the glory of God. Agness most likely had a point in her life when she didn't have food to eat, and I have never been through that. Yet God has allowed me to now care for her across the world by providing food for her and so much more. Praise God for Agness, and for reminding me through her that I am a selfish human being covered by the blood of Jesus and in desperate need every moment of a Savior.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Beautiful Sunday

Sunday was so gorgeous! The service was wonderful and everyone was so blessed by our guest speaker.

I felt very colorful and sunny, so here's what I came up with:

Same sweater, same shoes :)

Sweater: Target, $18
Skirt: J.Crew, No. 2 Pencil Skirt, $30
Flats: J.Crew, Classic Ballet Bow Flats, $10
Watch: Target, $15
Bracelets: Charming Charlies, $1, Engraved silver and pearls bracelet, Things Remembered, gift
Necklace: Gold ruby, gift
Belt: Target, $13

9Marks, Saturday

Here's what I wore Saturday, as it was FREEZING and rainy and I just wanted a good, comfy sweater. May I highly recommend Target's new soft sweaters! :)

9Marks, Day 2

Sweater: Target, $18
Jeans: A&F, $35 (sale)
Flats: (not pictured, but similar)J.Crew ballet bow flats, $10
Bag: Tommy Hilfiger (not pictured, but similar), $30
Watch: Target, $15
Necklace: J.Crew Bubble Necklace, gift :) :) :) 

9Marks, Day 2

9Marks Conference Friday

Good morning, friends!

I've decided not to post EVERY day, it's just too much with the schedule I have right now. So I will try to post the outfits I wear at least every couple of days, and some days, like today, I won't even have to get dressed if I don't want to. I can sit around in my pj's and catch up on homework, housework, and teaching preparation. Oh the benefits of only working part time! :)

Friday morning we went to the 9Marks Conference at Southeastern, and you can find the messages online here. The messages were convicting, eye-opening, and overall, God-given. I so enjoyed the weekend, and I hope you had a great weekend too! 

By the way, if you want to follow me on Pinterest or other websites,(I will soon have links for these on the side) my name on Pinterest is navynwhite and my name on Polyvore is also navynwhite. :) Pretty easy to remember.

On Friday I wore this outfit: 


And yes, almost 99% of my outfit was J.Crew. However, none of these pieces are identical to mine except for the shirt. It's hard to find exact matches on Polyvore! 

Shirt: J.Crew, $20
Pearls: Vintage (mine are real, however, you can find "vintage" pearls at Etsy!)
Skirt: J.Crew No. 2 Pencil Skirt, $30
Shoes: (Cece flats are shown, mine are the original ballet bow flat in gold that's out of season) $10
Bag: Tommy Hilfiger, $30- Mine is not green, but tan with green & navy accents. I will try to upload a photo of mine asap.
Watch: Target, $15

It was pretty comfortable, except for the day turned quite chilly and I ended up slipping on a pair of jeans I had brought with me! :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Just About 30 Days.

For the next thirty or so days, I am going to concentrate on pulling pieces from my closet to create new outfits. I'm going to allow myself a five-outfit-repeat, which means I can pick five outfits to repeat over the next thirty days. I'm doing this to see how creative I can be while not looking ridiculous... and to save money, as I just pre-ordered the iPhone 5 (YAY) and don't want to be spending tons of extra money this month on clothes. If I don't post everyday, I'll post at least every couple of days with a few outfits (one for each day!).

My "month" started on Monday.

Monday I had to work at school, and I forgot to take a picture, so here's what I wore created on Polyvore:

Day 1

The only thing I actually have in this photo is the Anchors Aweigh blouse from J.Crew.

Silk Blouse: J. Crew, $30
Green Skirt: J. Crew, $30 (I have the No. 2 in cotton, not satin)
Watch: Target (not pictured) $15
Anchor Necklace: Charming Charlies (not pictured) $3
Sandals: AE by Payless (not pictured) $20

Tuesday I wore a very casual outfit to work, especially compared to what I wore Monday.
As you can see, I just threw on my new(er) favorite skinny jeans from A&F, a tee, and my favorite hoodie with a necklace. That and my Rainbows and the day was soo comfy!

Hoodie: Anne Klein, $5
Tee: Walmart, $4
Anchor Necklace: Charming Charlies, $3
Jeans: Abercrombie and Fitch, $35
Flip Flops (not pictured): Rainbow, $40

Wednesday I wore a little of the color-blocking trend, but I wore all muted colors. I originally saw this blouse featured in this post from J's Everyday Fashion, and when I saw it at Marshalls a few weeks ago, I had to get it! The lighting is really bad in my photos, sorry about that, but this is mainly for documentation, not always to show my photography skills, which are obviously lacking ;)

You'll notice my shorts aren't as red as hers, but I still like the idea.

Again... I'm wearing no shoes, and my room is a wreck. welcome to college/teaching/working/church/babysitting/etc. life. :) I can hear my sister now, "ya-da-ya-da-ya."

Top: Marshalls, $10
Belt: Goodwill, $1
Shorts: Target, $15
(Sandals, not pictured, AE by Payless, $20)
Nail Polish: Sinful Colors, $2
Watch: Target, $15
Chain Link Bracelet: Macy's, $5

As for today, my activities include housework, homework, packing, and zumba. I'll post later tonight for my fourth outfit.

That's all for now!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Water Park Essentials

Water Park Essentials

Water Park Essentials by navynwhite featuring leather shoes

This weekend for my birthday we're going to a water park. I've never been before, so I've been researching what I should bring/wear/etc. and this is what I've come up with!

  1. A bathing suit, obviously. This doesn't even need to be mentioned! Most parks don't allow you to wear regular clothing on the rides, although the one we are going to does allow shorts & t-shirts. Mine is similar to the one pictured above, but more of a giraffe printed top with the same chocolate/white color. I love it because it is comfortable, practical for all the rides (i.e. water splashing everywhere), and it's cute and modest :) I bought both the top and bottom pieces at Lands End online, they have huge outlet sales and that's where I like to shop for swimsuits. I believe the set cost me around $20. My skirt is also ruffled on the bottom and more ribbed looking- the skirt pictured above is a tad more plain.
  2. Flip-flops. Some people like to wear water socks, which are great because you can wear them on the rides, but I don't have any and don't feel like buying any! So I'll just stick with the classic: Rainbow flip-flops. They are the most comfortable! 
  3. Sunglasses. Unless you want to have a huge headache at the end of the day, take a cheap pair of your favorite shades to protect your eyes (and your head!). 
  4. A beach towel (or two!) I am bringing two this weekend, as you never know what might happen and someone might forget theirs. 
  5. Tote bag. Gotta have something to carry around all that stuff! Take one that is light and cheap, in case something happens. Plus, you can get lockers and stick everything in a safe place. 
  6. Sunscreen. Even if your the most tan girl on the block (or guy), you still need protection from the sun unless you want to end up wrinkled by the time you're 30. Maybe you're already thirty and wrinkled... oops. I wear at least 30 SPF and put it on every few hours because I am very fair-skinned. 
  7. Lip balm, otherwise known as Chapstick. See number 6: protect your lips. 
  8. Cheek stain. I use Make Up For Ever's pink cheek stain, and this brightens my entire face without looking like I've got a ton of makeup on! As for day-of makeup, I'll probably go with a tinted moisturizer, cheek stain, and some mascara. Keep it simple! Cheek stain also stays on much longer than regular powder blush, and Make Up For Ever's products are generally waterproof- they test their products on the Underwater Ballet. 
  9. Waterproof mascara. Need I say more? :) 
  10. Money! Bring extra quarters and extra cash, as you will most likely get hungry and not feel like going all the way back to the car for a drink or a snack. Plus, you'll probably need some quarters for the lockers.
  11. An extra outfit: mine includes my new favorite shorts (Target, $18), a white tee (Walmart, $4), and a navy cardigan (H&M, $15). I'm bringing a cardigan because it may get cool in the evening, and I know I'll want to change out of my wet swimsuit when we leave the park! 

One more thing I didn't have a picture of: ziplock bags. I recently read this on a blog, and it is such a genius idea! I'm always needing an extra bag to stick wet stuff in, or in case something begins to leak, etc. Plus, that way, if I stick my swimsuit in a bag, nothing else in my bag gets wet on the way home!

What are your park essentials? Is there anything I missed?


Friday, May 25, 2012

Those brownies must not work...

Today's post is all about BROWNIES. Typically I don't like just plain, chocolate brownies. I like brownies with stuff inside or outside... or both!

The Pioneer Woman gives us just that:

Photos by The Pioneer Woman

I'm addicted to these brownies, and because of that, I will be making them for my brother & sister's graduation party tomorrow. They just SCREAM heaven.. Here's the link to the caramel and chocolate oozing, powdered sugar covered, hot and moist brownies you've been missing out on:

The funny story that goes along with these brownies is the name: Knock You Naked Brownies. One night a few of my family members were in the kitchen, and a comment was made that the brownies we were eating weren't working.. we all laughed, and I cried a little bit I think. Sometimes I laugh too hard, I guess. Anyways, don't worry, they won't actually knock you naked, they'll just make you feel good enough to walk around and tell everyone how good you look. 

Or how fat you feel, which is normally my response.


Enjoy your brownies and your weekend, friends.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Color

Summer Color

Summer Color by navynwhite featuring white watches

My two-day vacation also included doing a little shopping while we were out.. imagine that, the redheads shopping.. crazy, I know. There was an amazing J.Crew store where I found these 5" chinos for a great price, and they were on my list! Woo hoo! Wait, there's more. I already own the tank (similar), bag (similar), and watch (similar), so I found similar earrings at BodyC (where they sell all of their jewelry for $3.90), and these exact wedges at Old Navy on clearance! They aren't too high, and they are a bright color (also on my list), and they follow my rule of being under $25 for a "fad." Generally I only buy things over $25 if they are a classic style, so these were perfect for my budget and my closet. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Simple, Quiet Evenings.

I love nights like tonight. There is a chance of thunderstorms with a hint of sun shining through the clouds. My escape to my sister's proved to be just what I needed: a breath of fresh air. It gave me a new perspective, or rather, God gave me a new perspective of who He is & of who I am. He also gave me quiet mornings to wake up and read His word; not get on the internet and see who's who and read the latest blog or see the cute pins on Pinterest.. not immediately rise out of bed thinking I don't have the TIME to read the bible.. but what I don't have time for is living a life that is worthless. Pretending I've got it all under control when really, I don't. I am nothing without Him. The bible says that all of my works "are as filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6). Another thing God is teaching me is that He hates pride. I'm reading through C.J. Mahaney's book, "Humility: True Greatness" and in this book C.J. includes so much scripture (which is awesome). A verse I am now memorizing is, "..whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all" (Mark 10:33-34). Wow.

Sharing that with you probably opens up so many cans of worms, it's ridiculous. But I need that. I need Christ's death, I need the power of His love, and I need the constant reminder to be like Him. He is the greatest of all, and He gave all.

Let's live like Him.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Theory Thursday II

Good morning.

When I went downstairs for coffee, my mother laughed at me and said, "Oh, right, today's the day you have to go back to the real world and WORK!" I just looked at her. And then I said, "Coffee. Coffee. Coffee."


I'm super excited to share this article from Bob Kauflin's blog, ( as I will be teaching Pre-K & Kindergarten music next year. Hopefully I will be able to incorporate new music into the original kids music.

"Every so often I’ll run into someone who reminds me that long after we record an album, God continues to use it in people’s lives.
In late January, I was in Orange County, CA for a Gathering event. On Sunday morning I spoke at the Sovereign Grace Church of Orange County, led by Eric Turbedsky. It was there I met David and Laura. They shared their story with me and I was so affected that I asked them to send it to me. Here’s what they wrote:
We have been blessed with not only a daughter, but God in the last two and a half years has blessed us with four more little ones. These children belonged to my wife’s niece, but because of her constant drug use and continued imprisonments her children were taken from her. Unfortunately, these children suffered through physical and mental abuse, as well as, two were born with meth in their systems. We were overjoyed and humbled to think that God would use us to love and minister to these precious children. So as it stands, we have already been able to adopt the first three and are in the finalization process for the last boy to be adopted.
We have been so blessed to be introduced to Sovereign Grace Kids and play the CDs all the time with our little ones. They love the songs, and have learned many of them and sing along when we play them at home or in the car. One of the girls, along with her brothers, will request “Lazy Bones” which is their favorite one of all! As we have been in the process of finding a new church body, and I have gone alone to scout out a fellowship, my wife has stayed home with the kids and done “children’s church.” She uses these wonderful songs to teach our kids the wonderful things of the Lord and the Gospel. Because the words reflect the Word, our kids are getting deep theology with a great tune and memorable lyrics.
Thank you and your team for taking the time to put these CDs together. Your labor is not in vain. We see the fruit now, and have faith in God that these songs and His Word will bear fruit in changing their lives for Christ, and using these little ones to impact the world with the grace and love of God.
At this point we’ve produced three kids albums, and hope to produce more in the future. Awesome God focuses on the attributes of God,To Be Like Jesus explores the fruit of the Spirit, and Walking with the Wise contains songs from Proverbs. In all our kids albums we seek to steer away from moralism (“just be better and work harder”), and seek to highlight God’s mercy, goodness, and wisdom in providing a Savior for us in Jesus Christ, who is the greatest of all treasures.
If you haven’t heard any of our kids albums, you can check them out on our new website here, under the KIDS tab."

Enjoy, friends! 


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Love/Hate Relationship

I'm not really sure how to explain my obsession with navy and white other than a love/hate relationship.

Years ago, way back when we were in a homeschooling program that was very reserved and conservative, we always had to wear navy and white to certain events. Mom & Dad usually made us wear these colors out in public, probably because we had so much navy and white in our closets. For years I wouldn't wear navy and white (not willingly at least), but then all of the sudden, I realized the nautical stripe of navy and white looked downright adorable with our fair coloring, blue eyes, and red hair.  Who knew? That reserved, conservative organization might have had a thing for style after all. Thankfully, that reserved, conservative organization had much to do with my parents raising us the way they did, and people don't usually run away from us (anymore!), so I guess that's a good thing. Being the baby of six can be scary, but it is always hilarious and full of blessings. Now my love/hate relationship is mostly love, considering ninety percent of my closet is navy and white clothing. Add a little gold, coral, and blush pink and I'm a happy camper.

Most of my style/fashion posts will be full of ideas for how to make navy & white work in all aspects of life. If you're not a fan of the colors, I'm sorry. That stinks for you. Scroll through my posts and we'll see if you feel the same when you leave. :)

Until next time, friends.


Monday, May 14, 2012

What I'm Wearing

One Pair of Shorts

Having been determined to find the best pair of colored shorts, I think this coral-muted red color will be my best bet. Planning 5+ ways to wear something helps me determine whether I should purchase it or not! I really love the length of these shorts, as they are about two or three inches above my knee. I have a hard time finding shorts long enough, while not making me look frumpy all at the same time. 

What color shorts will you be wearing this summer?

One Pair of Shorts by persuasivepianist 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My [youngest] Older Brother.

Yesterday my [youngestolderbrotheryoungestoftheboysfouryearsabovemeclosestinagecalledmeabratawesomecreativesmartbabyboyfiveofsixkids] graduated from Virginia Tech. The Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, College of Engineering, with a Bachelor's degree in Industrial & Systems Engineering to be exact. I love him to death, and I am so proud of him. When congratulated, he gave praise to his Savior. Mikey is such an example to me, an example to press on, push towards the goal, push boundaries (yes, sometimes that meant getting in trouble as kids ;), and trust God in everything. God has grown our relationship over the years, and I am so grateful to God for him.

The "day" was actually a two day process. Friday morning we met up with the Princess at the stadium, where we waited for a couple of hours until the processional began.

Quite a few people showed up for this event to support their grads! me, I huffed and puffed all the way to the top, but it was SO worth it to capture almost everyone in attendance! 

First Lady, Michelle Obama spoke as the commencement speaker. 

Inside the stadium at the graduation for the VT College of Engineering.

Waiting his turn!

His biggest fan. Notice what's in her mouth. :) 

I love you, Mikey, and will always look up to you. Thank you for being such an awesome example of endurance, faith, and passion for what you love. Congratulations, Mikey.


Style 101

Current Ideas 5/13

Forever 21 ruffle top, $12
Merona Womens Classic Chino Short (Fit 1) Assorted Colors, $18
Sandals, $7.49
Summer handbag, $29
Handbag, $27
Bracelet, $6
Earrings, $6
Lori s Shoes thin belt, $11
Lori s Shoes thin belt, $11

I have discovered that BodyCentral has tons of cheap, cute jewelry. I found the turquoise ruffle top (Forever 21) by reading one of my favorite blogs, J'sEveryDayFashion. She had styled it with a cardigan & skirt, I believe. Those grey & yellow sandals are so adorable, but they are definitely NOT an investment. The $7.50 price tag gives that away, as these are all man made materials and will lend no support for my feet. But they are good inspiration for days to come. The red/coral colored shorts have been on my list for about a month, I've found more than five ways to wear them, warranting that they would be a great summer purchase. :) 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Favorite ISE Graduate

Loving the photo ops at Virginia Tech this weekend. And loving spending time with my brother!

Friday, May 11, 2012

A Hokie Day

Today we're headed to Blacksburg to my brother's graduation. MIchelle Obama is speaking, so I'm sure there will be many people around to hear. We are so excited that Mikey is done! I can't believe my youngest older brother is so grown up. I am so grateful to God for him! Happy Friday, friends. Enjoy this beautiful day!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Navy Crops

Investments. Oh, how I love them! I realized that a huge staple of my summer wardrobe would be a pair of semi-skinny navy crops/capris, if I could find them in my size somewhere. After quite a long shopping trip, I found the perfect fit at Marshall's. You can find similar crops below, and even more at many of your local stores (Target, JcPenny, Old Navy, etc.)

What investments will you be making this summer?

Navy Crops

J.Crew slim fit pants
$90 -

Wallis cropped pants
$39 -

Old Navy twill pants
$28 -

Unfading Beauty: Makeup

Beauty. Such a marvelous thing to behold. I always hear that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I think there is more to it than that. Beauty comes from within. It comes from God, and only from Him. He created me & you, and that's that. He knew when He made us that we are BEAUTIFUL. That should be all that matters. However, it's easy to let the culture around us shape our thinking on this issue. I don't want my beauty to fade when my makeup runs off my face in the heat of the summer, or when my skin is dried out, or when I'm tired and have bags under my eyes. I want to have the beauty that comes from above. Proverbs 31: 30 says, "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." (ESV) 1 Peter echos Proverbs, "Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious" (1 Peter 3:3-4). This is a constant reminder that I need HIM. Every time I look in the mirror, I realize how much I need him to create in me that imperishable beauty. I cannot, in any way, shape or form, become beautiful on my own. 

As today's Unfading Beauty post is on makeup, I'd like to show you what I use to accentuate that God given beauty we were just talking about. 

1. I use Revlon's Photo Ready Perfecting Primer as a base (Walmart, $8). Sometimes I don't even use foundation, I just put this on with the mineral veil & some blush! Works great for summer days.

2. Urban Decay's De-Slick spray has to be one of the best products I've ever used. The only problem? I'M RUNNING OUT. I bought the travel size from Sephora, and have been sparingly using it ever since. It is definitely perfect for warm days when there is the danger of your makeup running everywhere.

3. Covergirl's natural foundation is light and airy, and it doesn't feel heavy at all. Generally in the summertime I use very little liquid foundation, and I typically use BareEscentuals (see number 8). You can find Covergirl's foundation at any drugstore, as well as Target & Walmart. 

4. BareEscentual's Mineral Veil is perfect for any skin tone and the perfect finishing touch over any foundation. This helps to eliminate shine throughout the day and keep your makeup fresh. 

5. Nars Illuminator... what more can I say? This is a sparkling gel-like cream that you only need to use a tiny bit of for your cheekbones. I usually mix a little of this into my foundation for some extra warmth.

6. Nars Blush, the perfect peachy-pink sparkling blush. 

7. Make Up For Ever cheek stain can be found at Sephora and online. I use this once or twice a week, depending on the weather, and it stays much longer than any powder blush. 

8. BareEscentuals foundation is, like I said before, perfect for summertime. You can now buy the matte version of their regular powder foundation, which I am eager to try! 

9. Nars The Multiple stick is great for highlighting. Supposedly you can use it on your eyes, lips, and cheeks, but I like it best on my cheeks and eyes. It looks very pasty and chalky on my lips. 

Most of my makeup isn't drugstore makeup, and only because if I buy cheap makeup, I get cheap results. I like to invest in makeup that I know I will love, and the result is that it lasts much longer because I use less product then I do with cheap makeup. 

What makeup is your favorite? Have you tried any of these products?


Theory Thursday

This morning was a bright one. Literally. I woke up to the sun beaming in my eyes... and yes, it was before 7am. Normally I get up at six every morning (my version of the 5AM club), but this morning was a good one to sleep in a bit, considering the sick feelings going on in my stomach.

Thursdays will be the day I post about something musical: theory is the most important aspect of music, without it, there would be no rhythm, no emotion, no nothing. Trust me, I've heard enough from my piano teacher over the years to know that theory is important. If you're not that into music, just think of it as your bible. Without it, you wouldn't know how to live according to the will of God...
.. well, sometimes that worked for me. It was more like I wouldn't know how to play according to the will of my piano teacher ;)

So, back to today's post! Lately I've been doing a lot of Sovereign Grace Music at church. This past Sunday we sang "Behold Our God." "God eternal, humbled to the grave, Jesus, Savior risen now to reign!" Click on this link to get free guitar chords, piano scores, and lead sheets for the entire album!
Behold Our God Freebies -

You can watch the video right here on my blog. Enjoy!

Have a wonderful Thursday, dear friends.